Styrofoam packaging holds architectural and sculptural tendencies. What if a part of the packaging was enlarged and inflated? Would it still hold those qualities?
Tune In. Turn On. Bleach Out began from a piece of Styrofoam packaging. With a drastic change in scale and inflation the original form is no longer definable but somehow quizzically recognizable. Striping the object from its original context and provoking the viewer to wonder of the function while they meander through the altered gallery space. The scale of the form continually changes, at one point you are fully encompassed, at another you stand above it and look down on it. Because of the size of it, there is no single vantage point: the viewer must walk around the structure, compiling a complete image though their physical experience.
There is an ever-present tension found in the inflated form, between the constant pressure of the air within and the material which holdings it back. This tension is only amplified by the knowledge that the very existence of the form continually lives on the brink of utter demise. With a material puncture or the unplugging of the inflatable quickly dissolves into a crumpled heap under the pressure of its own weight.
Light, like air also has a way of shaping space that is not tangible. The combination of light and Tyvek produces remarkable results; the folds and creases become intensely illuminated. The light reveals the membrane qualities of Tyvek, giving the space an anthropomorphic quality. The light adds an element of mystery, drawing attention to the interior space of the inflated structures. As a medium, light explores notions of the sublime, grasping intangible space and investigating the boundaries between the real and the imagined.